Posts Tagged ‘stoked’



fellow ghost rider jona hooked me up with an 84 variant sle he found in st louis. barney from ire was awesome and brought it to kzoo where nate took it back for me and got it today. it didn’t have spark, but a quick investigation showed that it had a 3 wire cev stator, […]

i’m here


i’m in la, and i’m sosososososo stoked! bikes come in tomorrow, and i’ll be meeting up with clint from the cranks at choke and unloading them. i think we’re going to do some doodbro surfing tomorrow too. 4 days till the raging starts. hot dog!

mo, no ped


half moped related, i got a new car today and i’m super stoked about it. it’s a 2000 civic five speed hatchback. it gets rockin gas milage (35+ highway) and has enough room in the trunk for 2 peds. this needed to happen to make the move a lot easier. the volvo wasn’t quite trustworthy.

so stoked. 8 days till my plane leaves for la, 15 till the rally. more about "flooooock yeah!", posted with vodpod