Archive for the ‘uncategorized’ Category

Fix a Flat


While we were in Seattle, Joel and Rosanna were awesome enough to lend Derek and I their Derbi’s. Joel’s had a flat, so I taught Derek how to change a flat the no-tools way. Gazelle intimidation Remove the wheel, do whatever you please to get the tire off (tools are fine to use at this […]

i do. we competed in a 24 hr film competition. the finished film i got to see the wizards liar. there were amazing rides. we wrenched and ate burritos. and greasy bags of dicks. and had the best hosts ever. it was one of the best weeks of my life. the fleets hospitality is second […]

A month of family vacation and work travels is coming to a close with a climatic ending. Seattle! I’m flying out tomorrow for a week (graciously hosted by Joel and Rosanna, yeah!) with a few friends to attend a film festival and hang out with the illustrious mosquito fleet and friends. So excited! In brief […]

happy holidaze!


feelin pretty jolly. lots of holiday cheer being spread between friends. got some awesome christmas cards. from team thunderstroke i got glitterbombed from boston. that ENTIRE envelope was filled with glitter. my mom gave me a pretty rad ornament i moved most of my mopeds and my motorcycle up to michigan. there’s a few of […]

back to basics


the world is a beautiful place at 32 mph



i cobbled busey back together today. he fired up right away but was smoking a bit. i investigated some oily residue by the flywheel and popped the stator off to check the seal, ship shape. when i put the electronics back together though, NO SPARK. WTH. i spent the next 2 hours checking all my […]

over 330 people registered. wow. amazing rides planned, burritos and pbr for everyone, the biggest fireworks show in north america, awesome parties and bourbon bandits hospitality. this weekend is going to rule.



yarrrrg, another polini seize. this time with an estoril, what i thought was an unseizable setup. i put 2500 miles on the same setup (15 bing polini estoril) last year with zero problems. this has me slightly questioning the porting i did, or maybe it’s just a series of flukes. well…here’s my first addition to […]

fancy pants


some fancy things recently acquired and getting put to use… custom sprockets for the derbi monster from the sprocket specialists. if you ever need custom sprocket, these are the guys to get them from. around $50 a sprocket, aluminum, really good quality, and the option of having it T-3 hardened (i’m going to do that […]

my mom has always been kind of into mopeds. during ghost ride this year i had them show up on saturday after we got done with the ride and see all the bikes parked downtown. then i sunday i led a 20 mile ride to my parents house for swimming and good times. ever since […]