Posts Tagged ‘e50’

Dual Snap Rings


While I was in Seattle I picked up a V1 turned Puch clutch bell for the KTM conversion. This fancy item was forged deep in the liar of Seattle wizard Michael Mike. When I picked it up he gave me some wizardly advice and suggested running dual snap rings to keep the crank from walking […]

this weekend we (bandits and tbs) stayed at a rad cabin in the appalachian mountains. a few miles into the 30 mile ride i was coming to the top of a long hill when my motor started getting noisy. polini’s are loud kits and i’ve heard some weird noises out of mine with nothing wrong, […]

I posted this on MA, but for the sake of redundancy here we go… Review for Motion Left Mopeds new pipe designed for the puch polini: REV-RUN The setup: Puch e50, fully case matched stock reedcage and reeds Polini 64cc kit, intake slightly ported, exhaust stock 15mm Bing carb Puch Hero CDI from treats 3 […]

devin brought down a bunch of prototype pipes this weekend. one of them was designed specifically for the puch polini cylinder and we used gary busey to test it. my current setup was a 15 bing, puch hero cdi, polini and modified dmp (estoril) pipe. it gps’d today at 50.0 mph. insert motion left’s brand […]

a few things have happened and i haven’t been posting.  i just got back from brodeo (which was AMAZING) so this is going to be quick. – i tried installing the za50 cdi benji sells on my derbi. i followed cuperzack’s blog post on how to install it and had no luck. finally, after flipping […]